Friday, October 5, 2018

JMS proxy service exception: Validation of RefValueStore _static/Ref_Store/ProxyService - JMS Transport.InboundJMSProxy

I have only started working with JMS queues recently and find that problem solving around JMS proxy's can be so time consuming. I recall my previous blog.
Last week I had another JMS proxy problem and couldn't find much info on the error I was getting, so hope this will help you out :)

After rework done on a JMS proxy service where I tried to move it to another project I noticed messages weren't read from the queue anymore. Redeploying didn't work and when I tried to delete the project for a clean deployment I got the following error message within the console: Validation of RefValueStore _static/Ref_Store/ProxyService - JMS Transport.InboundJMSProxy. : RefValueStore _static/
Ref_Store/ProxyService - JMS Transport.InboundJMSProxy. does not exist failed.

It seemed that the JMS proxy was unable to find its related MDB. Every time a JMS proxy service is deployed an MDB is created that handles the connection with the JMS queue. See also my previous blog for more details. In this case OSB was unable to verify the MDB as it didn't exist anymore. You can check the deployments in the WebLogic Server, MDB deployments have the prefix SB_JMS_Proxy_*.

So I was basically stuck with a corrupt OSB service and couldn't remove or redeploy it to fix the problem. I figured I had to redeploy the service so the MDB is recreated and in order to do that I had to delete the service manually through the server. I did as follows to resolve the problem:

-Find the project or folder of your service in <OSB Domain>/osb/configfwk/core and rename the folder.

-Stop the AdminServer.
-Backup and clear cache, log and tmp folder of AdminServer.
-Start the AdminServer. When you now check the OSB console you will see the service is gone.
-In your IDE change the name of the project or folder of your service and deploy to OSB server.
-A new MDB should be created. Verify this in the deployments list on the WebLogic Server.
-Rename your project or folder to its original name.

These steps helped me to resolve the problem and messages were read from the queue again.

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